Will – Shoulder pain and impingement

Will’s shoulder had been causing increasing levels of pain over several weeks. Initially becoming evident during a gym session, his ability to perform simple tasks, such as dressing and lifting moderately heavy items was becoming more difficult and painful. It had reached a point where Will needed something to be done.


Range of movement tests for the shoulder, neck and upper back were performed along with diagnostic tests to find the specific dysfunction. It was the Hawkins Kennedy test and Nears impingement test which confirmed without a doubt exactly what the problem was.


The shoulder joint is remarkably complex with numerous muscles, ligaments and tendons meeting at this junction. Shoulder impingement is an issue with the sub-acromial space. This is where several tendons meet in a small space and there are several conditions which could restrict the movement in this area. A range of osteopathic techniques will help to decompress the joint to alleviate all of the common causes of this type of discomfort.


Soft tissue massage and myofascial massage of the neck and shoulder increased blood low and aided muscle elasticity. This was followed by gentle articulation of the neck including traction and compression techniques helped to decrease muscle tension in the neck area. Next we used the Spencer technique, comprising seven different stretches of the shoulder and rotator cuff complex, to help further relieve tension in that area. Finally, a decompression process for the joint created more space in the structure within the sub-acromial area.


Will reported an immediate reduction in pain and was able to put on his jacket without discomfort for the first time in over three months. Full recovery took six sessions, with Will reporting great improvements between each session. Each session brought increased range of movement, increased ability and greatly reducing stress.